What are the advantages of hiring a professional carpet cleaning company?

There are numerous benefits that can be obtained by hiring a professional carpet cleaning company. While regular vacuuming and spot cleaning can help maintain the appearance of your carpets, a professional cleaning can enhance their condition and lifespan by eliminating dirt at the surface level. Our goal in this article is to examine the various advantages of hiring a professional carpet cleaning company. More…

What to do when your cat’s dander is making you feel sick?

Cat allergies are not fun. Being around cats could be extremely miserable if you have an itchy, runny nose, watery eyes, or coughing and sneezing. People often blame cat hair or cat dander as the major causes, but the situation is a bit more nuanced than that. Learn more about cat dander and what you can do about it if it is making you sick by reading on.

What is cat dander?

Cats regularly shed microscopic skin cells known as dander as part of their normal development cycle. It differs from cat dandruff, which happens when dead skin cells clump together while they shed, pile up, and then become noticeable.

Unlike hair, you just could not see cat dander—but it may gather practically everywhere in your house. Your walls, bed, furniture, and even the air may all contain it.

carpet cleaning Sandyford

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How Do Allergies Affect Cat Dander?

You’re not the only one with allergies to pets. Dog or cat allergies may affect up to 30% of Americans, while cat allergies are more prevalent. Cat dander proteins may cause sensitivity in those with cat allergies. However, a protein in cat saliva is often what causes cat allergies.

Although in different amounts, all cats carry the protein known as Fel d1 in their saliva. Because of this, a cat allergy sufferer could be alright with one cat but experience a severe response as soon as they contact another, according to Paolillo.

It also explains why adult cats may cause allergies, whereas kittens may not. Kittens don’t groom themselves very often. Therefore, it’s difficult to predict if you’ll have an allergic response to a cat until it matures and begins to groom itself.

How can you get rid of cat allergens and dander?

The saliva-coated dander and hair that your cat discharges sticks to surfaces all over your house. It may be drawn into a main HVAC system and grow more. You must reduce the number of allergens produced by your cat and remove those that are already present in your house in order to lessen the number of cat allergens there.

How to reduce cat dander?

Giving your frequent cat baths is the greatest approach to reducing the quantity of cat dander and hair that it sheds, according to Paolillo. In addition, regular washing eliminates the dead hair and saliva accumulation from a cat’s coat, which prevents it from dropping off in your house.

Avoid using dry shampoo, advises Paolillo. They won’t remove accumulated saliva, dander, and loose hair as a typical cat shampoo would. Those allergies must be physically removed.

How can you reduce allergens in your home?

On surfaces, cat hair and dander are persistent. Therefore, frequent cleaning may help reduce your sensitivity to cat allergies, including washing the walls, furniture, and floors. Moreover, you may think about getting rid of the carpet and leaving the flooring bare, preventing your cat from entering your bedroom, changing your clothing after touching or interacting with your cat, and utilizing an air purifier to get rid of airborne allergens.

The bottom line

Taking these actions might significantly improve your mood if you or a close one suffers from cat allergies. Your cat will be more content if you are happy (and less congested).

    Dry Carpet Cleaning or Wet Carpet Cleaning – Which One Should You Prefer?

    Carpet cleaning is a means to keep your house clean while also extending the life and functionality of your carpet. It does more than just remove stains. The majority of individuals believe that they should only clean their carpet when they see stains that are quite obvious. That’s not accurate. It is necessary to clean carpets every 12 to 18 months. Furthermore, depending on your carpet’s warranty information, it may necessitate more regular cleanings.

    Professional carpet cleaners use two methods to remove dirt and stains from carpets: wet carpet cleaning and dry carpet cleaning. Despite having comparable goals and consequences, these two are carried out in completely distinct ways. In this article, we’ll examine and contrast these two approaches. The finest option will then be shown to you so you can choose what is best for your carpets.

    Cleaning using steam:

    Hot water extraction is used in steam cleaning to extract stains and dirt from carpets while expanding their lifespan. The majority of carpet materials, including wool, respond well to steam cleaning. High-pressure hot water is injected through a machine into the carpet. After that, all the filth and dirt are removed along with the water. Pretreatment before washing the carpet is occasionally necessary.

    You or a professional will do the following during steam cleaning:

    • The carpet will be vacuumed.
    • Spray some chemicals on
    • Water the carpet by using strong pressure.
    • Remove all of the water with a special vacuum.

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    The advantages of steam cleaning:

    • Deep-down stains, filth, and grime are removed.
    • Removes dust mites, allergies, mould, pet odours, and other contaminants.
    • Bacteria are killed.
    • It leaves no residue.
    • It frequently outperforms other approaches.
    • Does not employ harmful chemicals.

    Cleaning using dry powder:

    To clean your carpet, dry cleaning employs powder chemicals. While all dry cleaning techniques require a modest quantity of water, steam cleaning uses substantially more. The carpet is cleaned using the dry cleaning technique, which also utilizes machine application of an absorbent chemical. To dislodge stains and get rid of them, the mixture also includes an absorbent carrier, a detergent, a solvent, and a tiny bit of water. In some circumstances, you could want to use a stain protector to lessen the likelihood of stains in the future.

    A specialist performing dry cleaning will:

    • Clean the carpet.
    • Stains are sometimes pretreated.
    • Use a chemical dry powder, detergent, and solvent to clean the area.
    • Vacuum the carpet to remove all of the chemicals and water.

    Advantages of Dry Cleaning:

    • Quick drying time
    • Excellent for cleaning high-traffic areas.
    • Can be used to treat stubborn locations on the spot

    Which method is the most effective?

    Dry cleaning is quite effective, and it may be better at removing specific stains, but it can also harm the carpet and the environment. The chemicals used to clean are frequently strong and might be hazardous to be close to. Most professional carpet cleaning firms choose the wet cleaning procedure. They understand that it is better for the environment and the carpet. While it may create some short-term discomfort, it is unquestionably preferable in the long run.

    You can quickly find the ideal solutions for all your needs at Sandyford Carpet Cleaning. We recognize the value of a clean carpet and provide the most dependable services on the market.


    Sandyford Carpet Cleaning is your go-to place where all your worries of carpet cleaning will be over.
